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Clay Busters of Arizona, Inc, or “CBA” is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with a charter to promote the sport of Skeet Shooting through the promotion of NSSA registered competitions, sponsorship of youth participation, instructor certification programs, and instruction of participants. In 2024, CBA organized and administered 9 competitions at the Ben Avery Clay Target Center. During the course of the season, supporting our charter, CBA sponsored Arizona Youth Skeet Shooters attending the SCTP Nationals and well as the Junior World Skeet Championships in San Antonio, Tx. Youth participants at the State Championships received entry fee assistance and we continue to sponsor NSSA Youth Skeet Camps and grow the base of NSSA certified instructors. Leadership is provided by a group of volunteer officers and directors who simply love the game and the people involved. There are no membership dues to participate in our activities, with the goal to provide the best events we can at the lowest cost to the participant. To that end we welcome support through donations and volunteerism. We're fortunate to have a terrific facility to pursue the sport as well as great support from the Skeet Community here in Arizona.


Our Mission
  • To increase the knowledge of the safe handling and proper care of firearms among Arizona members as well as improving shotgun marksmanship.

  • To promote the development and characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self-discipline, team play, fair play and self-reliance which are essentials for good sportsmanship.

  • The promotion, governance, and encouragement of organized skeet shooting among residents of the State of Arizona.

  • The CBA is dedicated to the development of the skeet shooting sports at all levels of participation.


2024 Officers

President: Mike O'Keefe (

Vice President: Brian Trapp (

Treasurer: Jean Trapp (



Kenny Bartee (

Stephan Waltz (

Mark Kinder

Chris Welsh

Tim Drago

Tracy Welsh

Tanner Bissell

Kenny & Lauren - Copy.JPG

How to get Involved!

There are lots of ways to get involved with the Skeet Community and Clay Busters of Arizona...for starters, come shoot with us! We have more than a dozen events in Phoenix and another dozen statewide. If you are interested in more than shooting in competitions, there are lots of ways to help out... here are some examples:


  • Contribute to a Pot Luck Lunch

  • Volunteer some time; From setting up some tables, filling ice chests, loading targets...there's always something!

  • Become a Certified NSSA Referee; We're always looking for good referees. 

  • Are you an Organizer? There are always larger tasks that need organization and planning.

  • Become an Instructor: If you already shoot skeet and would like to improve your game AND help others with theirs, consider becoming an NSSA Instructor! 

  • Sponsorship: An ad in a Program, a Field Banner, or an entire event; We'll work with you to meet your needs.

  • Contact us to find out out more about getting involved. If you have an idea of your own, we'd love to hear about it!

We Appreciate Your Support!

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